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Death Note the Musical: the best adaptation?
11/04/2023 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Salon C

Death Note has been a popular series to adapt over the years with many movies and series, but have any of them really hit the mark when compared to the Anime & Manga. Characters are completely changed and events are replaced. So how does the musical stand up to the rest, what makes it so much better than the others? Come discuss the characters, music, and story of this mysterious musical and figure out what truly makes it the greatest.

Additional Panelists:
  • Gary McLean:Amazing person
  • Grecia Blanco:I’m not sure if this means physically or other, My name is Grecia, I’m 5’4, she/her. I like dying my hair and white haired characters.
  • Grecia Blanco:I’m not sure if this means physically or other, My name is Grecia, I’m 5’4, she/her. I like dying my hair and white haired characters.